And a Crappy New Year!!! :p

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LittleGreenGamer's avatar
Like always, I don't expect this next year to be that much better. Although I must say, this year was certainly better than the last one. 

As for the events of next year that will affect the nation, I'm wondering the same as always: What will be the most trivialized and horrible tragedy of this year? Let's take a look at these past few years that have me pissed. 

2012: The murder of Trayvon Martin, Aurora, Sandy Hook 
2013: I can't remember much from that year since I did the right thing and avoided watching the news. 
2014: The shooting in Santa Barbara, among many other things

(I'd like to tell Peter Rodger he's a wuss just like his dead son.) 

I know one way to summarize 2012: Apparently, it's wrong to be African-American and carry a pack of candy while wearing a hoodie, but it's A-okay by America's standards for some white cunt to take a loaded gun into a movie theater or an elementary school. (Don't you just love this trigger-happy nation?) 

Setting aside my hatred, I wish the best for everyone who's suffered because of these events. 

And on a brighter side, at least Fred Phelps is dead. I'm still laughing and celebrating. If you're not celebrating his death, you need to. He caused so much pain for so many innocent people who were already suffering. Fuck anyone who thinks we shouldn't celebrate his death. 

That's all the ranting I have for now. if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking more pills and waiting for another horrid new year. I don't know if I'll be awake during the countdown.
© 2014 - 2024 LittleGreenGamer
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kamiiyu's avatar
2014 actually broke a streak of 3 hell years for me, so I'm really hoping that 2015 doesn't pick up where 2013 left off.

I don't bother with the news. The media works to get people's emotions high, picking and choosing certain stories and ignoring others while using psychology to work everyone up. They twist things to suit their agenda. They are not doing this country any good and I hate them for it. 

2014 did remind me that people won't change and the cycle of the internet will continue. We become that which we hate if we're not careful... I saw it happen to hundreds, if not thousands, of women who participated in a large group originally made to make fun of the sanctimonious parenting groups. Next thing I knew, they had all become sanctimonious, pretentious assholes. And then it happened in another group, where they were supposed to be my "friends" and they turned on me, doing exactly what the group had been created to stop.
Humans won't change. The cycle will go on. And I will never allow myself to trust anyone again. I won't be lulled into a false sense of friendship.